So Sorry!

Hey guys!

i am so sorry for not staying up to date here, but i just wanted to say this site will be up and running again soon! this time i will have the aid of Philbob9909, so this will (hopefully) work out!

c ya soon!



im the the agent hh now so i gtg bye

Sorry and SWITCHED(again…)!!!!!

hey guys!

i’m so sorry i wasn’t able to make the party today guys!!! i was at a fair!  :( (although i did like it!)

anyway i’m hosting a new party tomorrow, so get ready (srry bout the rush)!


Party name- Anniversary Party

Hosted by Seamarue98

Date- August 10th

12:00 P.M. PST- 1:00 P.M.PST

Server- Frostbite

Room- Ski Village, Dock, and Beach

V.I.P.- Seamarue98, Philbob9909, djm939, Starwarsrox1, Piggyjo, At709, Colorbird10,

and samid3


So Far….

hey guys!

so far, me and Philbob are the main leaders, with djm939 as 2ic and Agent 16 3ic!

visit ranks page for more info!


New PSA unit agent 2ic

Hey guys I’m the new PSA unit old school agent 2ic sooooo yeah… BYE!!!


Hi guys!

i’m a new author, djm939!

i am awesome!



New Class Rank and ?

hey guys!

i am making a new class rank, wich is to be called old school.

what old school means is that i am bringing back the old PSA agent suit, which looked like this-


ill be the head of this class guys


o, and i have no idea what the heck philbob9909 is talking about being a founder to this site.



Hello, its Philbob9909, the Tactical Head!

I want to tell you guys about my new rank system.  When you join, you can specify the class you want to be in.   So right now i am in charge of Tactical agents.  We are looking for a head for every other class.  So go to the join page to join NOW!





hey guys!

now, since this is a new site, im gonna need alot of help running it!

i will also need helpers! all members and non-members must help me in this project-  to save CLUB PENGUIN! we must all unite to save the island from herbert and everyone else!

goodbye for now….
